objective of moral education

objective of moral educationobjective of moral education
  1. On the New Objective of Moral Education : Character Integration


  2. To cultivate healthy moral personality is the objective of moral education in college .


  3. The objective of moral education will be achieved in college crucially when moral education contents are systematically constructed .


  4. We should give full scope to moral education , optimize educational conditions , and set up sticking to Three orients and cultivating four haves graduates as colleges ' objective of moral education .


  5. Nowadays , moral education in secondary vocational school isn 't ideal , and it is necessary to reflect on it and establish new philosophical tropism of moral education : the objective of moral education lies in cultivating the person who has spirit pursuit and understand life meaning ;


  6. The objective of collegiate moral education should be in accordance with the objective of social moral education .


  7. The ideal objective of the moral education is to develop children 's moral autonomy whose direct manifestation is self - regulation of the personal behavior .


  8. On the objective of collegiate moral education reflecting the unification of the " campus-tinted character " and the " society-tinted character "
